Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Can you really love God and be filled with hate?

How can people say they love God but behave the way they do?
If you love God wouldn't you accept all of his children? Would it matter if they are gay/lesbian? Would it matter if they are Muslim, Jewish, or Wiccan? Would it matter if they are black, white, Mexican, Asian? If you love God how can you not love all his children? How can people truly believe that they love God, but have hate for other's in their heart? How many wars have been fought in the name of God? How many people abused or mistreated all due to an interpretation of God's word?

We are all here doing the best we can from our state of consciousness. We are all here to learn our lessons and perfect for God. Some of us choose very difficult lives. What if the junkie down the street is here to learn self love? Who are we to judge them or not love them. Even if we don't agree with someones belief or lifestyle, it doesn't mean that we should not love them. Loving someone does not mean that you have to like or agree with everything they do or say. Loving someone means you understand that they are one of God's children doing the best they can.

We are all his children, made in his likeness, made in love. How can we honor God if we don't strive to love and accept ALL of his children.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tails of a Healer book - Must Read

I just finished a fantastic book! I literally finished it in 1 day because I couldn't put it down.  Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki & Shamanism by Rose DeDan.

The book is about a woman's journey to accepting her life purpose of becoming an animal intuitive and healer. The stories that she shares are witty, full of emotions, and real. If you have an interest in becoming a healer or are just curious about this incredible talent, I recommend grabbing this book. It helped to show me the wonderful capabilites of healers everywhere and the call to serve.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Kids love crystals - just make sure you clean them.

Kids love crystals. They attract children with their varied colors, the way they reflect the light, and their textures. Crystals also speak to children's innate desire to connect to all that is in nature. Crystals all have a healing property assigned to them. Let your child pick out the stones that resonate with him or her. Take note of the names of the stones that your child picks, you might find that he or she has picked a crystal whose healing vibration matches an issue your child is dealing with.

An Amethyst may be chosen for its beautiful purple color but maybe the child choosing the stone intuitively knows that Amethyst help with sleep issues, such as nightmares. Or maybe he or she chose the Hematite stone because it is black and shiny, but innately the body knew it would help the child with anxiety. The list of things that these beautiful, unique crystals can help with goes on and on. You may be amazed at how in tune our little ones are with the universe.

As soon as you get the crystals home, you will need to clean them off any residual energy attached to the stones from the many hands touching them. Cleaning their energy isn't complex nor does it need a ceremony.

· Place your stones in a bowl with mild detergent, getting rid of any dust or stickiness

· Rinse the stones to make sure there is not a soap residue left behind.

· Dry your stones and they are good to go

· For an extra boost dry the crystals in bright sunlight. Letting them dry naturally.

· Clean the crystals periodically if they start to look dull, dusty, or dirty. This helps to keep their healing energies fresh.

Let your child take the lead, watch which ones they gravitate to more than others. One idea is to allow your child to wear their preferred crystal of the day as a necklace. Here is a link to a pendant cage that won’t break your bank but is functional enough to allow you to change the crystals.  You can use leather or rope found in any craft store to make an necklace.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Helping Children with Night Terrors

Has your child ever woken up in the middle of the night screaming, inconsolable, incoherent, and seemingly still asleep? The typical name for this is called “Night Terrors”.  They are a real problem for many parents who have no idea how to help their child.
Night Terrors are much more frightening than an average bad dream. Symptoms of a night terror can range from mild to extreme.
·         Screaming, crying, even moaning – not easily consoled

·         Unable to communicate clearly. (All one of mine would say is OW!)

·         Not wanting to be touched – even acting as if every touch hurts them.

·         Getting out of bed, like sleepwalking but more in an attempt to find a safe space. Going under the bed or into a corner in a protective stance.

·         Hitting anyone who tries to help them.

·         Hitting their selves in frustration.

·         Eyes opened wide and glassy (but not really seeing) or completely closed as if still asleep.

Theories as to the cause of Night Terrors vary greatly. Some believe that there is a direct connection with what is happening in the child’s world at that moment.  Have there been big changes in the little one’s life? Is there turmoil at home, daycare, or school? Others believe that Night Terrors are caused by remembrance of past life events; that the child is remembering traumatic events that took place in a previous lifetime. Since young children are still new on the earth plane they have soul memories that their subconscious is still processing. Another theory is that during the night the soul of the child leaves the body (astral projection) to learn and explore other places.  Children born during this time often have a higher vibrational level and need to leave their bodies to stretch and exercise, as it is hard for their little body to hold such a large vibrational field.  
It is believed that while a child is dreaming, reliving a past event, or traveling, they are woken too early. Something has caused them to awaken before they are ready to come back into the present, fully conscious and aware. Some believe that the child’s soul is forced back into the body too quickly which is painful and disorienting. 
I have experienced Night Terrors with two of my children. Here is what I found helped to lessen the symptoms and even lengthen the time in between episodes:
1.       Investigate if something could be waking your child. Are they hot or cold? Do you have a pet that could be jumping on their bed, startling them?  Record the time when the incident occurs. If you find a pattern, is there a mechanical event happening in the house that could cause the child to awaken? (water heater or softener making noise etc.)

2.       Make sure your child is drinking enough water. Dehydration can make all the symptoms worse.

3.       Don’t react to your child’s Night Terror with frustration or alarm. This can be hard when your sleep has been disrupted and you feel helpless.

4.       Follow your child’s cues. If they don’t want to be touched,  don’t touch them unless you need to restrain them from hurting themselves. Likewise, if your child wants to get out of bed, let them. Moving around often helps the child “wake” sooner.  Keep the child safe, but don’t try to manipulate the situation.

5.       Lastly, and the most important thing that helps me is to keep a calm voice and repeat to the child:
“You are safe, in this time, in this place. You are safe. You are ok. You are here with me.” 
I have sat on the floor and repeated this until I see recognition in their eyes and they cometo me for the physical comfort to get back to sleep.  I know that it sounds goofy, but it has helped with both my children.  Whether their Night Terrors are from current things, past life events, or from astral travel, repeating the above phrase brings her awareness back to me so that I can help.
I hope these tips help and I would love to receive your feedback.  I also recommend talking to your doctor and even videotaping an incidence, so that the doctor can see what you are dealing with. Until a person has experienced this first hand, they don’t really understand how frightening this can be.