I went to church on Sunday. It was the first time in many years. As a recovering Catholic, I am gun shy to say the least. We decided to go to a non-denominational Christian church. The service was cute, small, and had a decent feel to it. . After communion, they sang one verse of a song about 20 times. The verse was about people having complete love for God. The congregation really got into it and each repeat was sung with more feeling. After the fifth repeat I felt the energy lifting to God in celebration. I could see the golden rays of energy coming down as the connection to source was opened. Feeling it in a group setting was incredible and it brought tears to my eyes. The goosebumps raised as I felt Grace wash over me. It was incredible and powerful...
Then church was over and we stumbled out into the sun. It hit me... how incredibly sad. For many people that would be their only peak at the divine they would have until they went to church again. I would wager that most of the congregation does not meditate or participate in energy work of any kind. Often churches lump alternative healing into a group that is taboo, like psychics. (the fact that the bible talks about Prophets, but demonizes psychics drives me nuts, but that is another topic) How sad that the masses are not taught how to access the source on their own. People are often taught from an early age that they have to GO to church or through a priest to feel God's love. What people should be taught is that they have a direct link to God if they would just be still and open themselves to it. I'm not saying that going to church is pointless. It's a great way to join with community and share a love for your fellow man and God, but it shouldn't be their only link.
The experience made me realize how grateful I am that my unconventional life path has lead me to strive to be connected with God at all times. It also made me realize that I need to make sure that my children know how to access the source on their own. I don't want them to feel that they have to go through something or someone to feel what is theirs by divine right.
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