Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Releasing Grief

We are all going through an energy upgrade right now including the Earth. In this shift of energy the Earth and its people are releasing grief. Grief though necessary, can become so part of our identity that it stops us from enjoying life and growing into our future selves.  Intellectually most of us can reason that our loved ones are "in a better place" or that "we'll see them again", our hearts however are not intellectual. Our hearts hurt at the devastating loss of a loved ones, of things left undone, of words left unsaid. What grief are you holding inside? Ask God and your angels to help you release any negative emotions inside you that are holding you back.  You may receive help through your dreams, messages from others and animals.

 I lost my dad 12 years ago and while I miss him, I am blessed with regular visits from him in my dreams and in the waking world. I honestly thought I was through the gut wrenching grief process. I was so wrong. I had a night of back to back dreams that I couldn't seem to stop or wake from. The dream that hit me the hardest had my great-grandmother in it. Who knew that I still held loss inside for her as well. In the dream I went to tell my dad that his grandmother had passed. I was sad and even feeling lonely without her in my life. Just then my dad looked stricken, in pain and slumped on the couch. I screamed at him and he opened his eyes and said "You are going to be just fine" and then he passed. The sound that emitted from my throat was one of intense grief, pain, and abandonment.  The next sequences in the dream was me telling different people "My daddy's dead". Each time that I repeated that it was a releasing of grief and an acceptance took place. I had no idea that I had so much pain still stuck inside.

I awoke in the morning, remembering all the dreams and cried deep heartfelt sobs. Each gut wrenching sob was a release. I said a prayer of gratitude that I received the healing. Just then Jack, my parrot, began to whistle the "Andy Griffith theme song"  one of my dad's favorites tunes. I smiled and knew that I was going to be just fine.