Recently my 4 year old starseed started a new frustrating habit. She would ask for something over and over again, usually when the request could not possibly be filled. We were driving in the car when she asked for a marker. I didn't have one to give her and told her no. She then held out her hand and said the word "marker" about 10 times. This is enough to drive even the most patient parent nuts. She was so frustrated, to the point of tears when she looked at me and said "Why won't it work?". That's when it dawned on me: this is a 5th dimensional child living in a 3rd dimensional world.
Starseeds, especially when they are young, spend a lot of time astral projecting while they sleep. These children vibrate so high that their little bodies cannot contain them. In the astral plane their larger than life spirits can swim with the dolphins, climb a pyramid and create on command. In the astral plane my little one can open her hand, demand a marker and it appears. Can you imagine how frustrating it must be to return to this world? I believe many temper tantrums are caused by this discrepancy in realities. How heavy and draining this 3rd dimensional world must be to their young bodies and spirits. While their life purpose is to help raise the planet and her people's vibration to a co-creation 5D realm, they must live in this one for a while. We need to help them adjust by being patient and understanding.
I looked at my little one with a whole new understanding and asked her if in her dreams she can say "Marker" and it appears, she said yes and exclaimed "The marker must not like me!". I told her how cool it was that she could do that and that hopefully one day it will work in this world as well. She began to understand how the worlds differ and her habit of asking for something over and over has ended. She also now knows that I understand to some degree and is sharing more of her memories of astral travel with me.
Sometimes I hear her playing, pretending that she can command the universe and bend it to her wishes. I have no doubt that one day she will...
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