Sunday, December 23, 2012

Teaching children universal oneness starts with the family

Teaching people that we are all connected, we are all one is not an easy task. Many people are so mired in their own little worlds, their own problems, their own views that they are unable to see that what affects one effects all. How do we teach our children that we are all connected in the face of a world programming your child to think differently? It starts with you and the family. Families are the microcosm of the universe. If we teach the children that what one in the family experiences, they too experience and are affected by it.

 Discuss with your children the following scenarios:

 If one child breaks his leg, all are affected. The child might not be able to do his chores for a time and others have to pick up the slack. The child might be in pain and cranky. How does that affect others? What about when the child goes to school? How are his classmates affected? The teacher?

 What if one child gets in trouble for bad behavior? How does that affect the family? The anger and tension it creates has a way of creeping over to every family member. Even the dog feels the change in the energy. Children have to realize that their decisions have consequences not only for them but for others as well.

 What if a parent loses a job? Or their work requires the family to move? What if a family member becomes seriously ill? Ask your children examples of how something someone else has done has had an impact on their life. By getting their input it becomes more of a discussion and less of a lecture.

 I find teaching this concept to be daunting especially when trying to reach teenagers who have been taught by society that it is ok to be selfish, to care only for the moment. Isn't that what the phrase YOLO is all about? It doesn't matter what you do as long as it feels good. You only live once right? Consequences be damned. My only advice is to just keep trying. Eventually they will get it.

 Once children can grasp that what happens to one in the family, happens to all, it is not a huge step to take their perceptions to a grander level. Start with examples of things in their school, then examples in the state, country, and globally. Use examples to make them really think. How does the decimation of the rain forest affect them? Oil spills? Wars? Get them thinking about something other than their version of reality. This is how you raise a conscious child in a world designed to make them selfish and ego centered.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Help your family raise thier vibration

Many of us are working on upgrading our vibrations. The higher we vibrate, the better we feel, the more love and joy we experience, and our world view changes. You may be changing your thought patterns, meditating, and connecting to source, but what about your family members? While ascension is a personal journey that has to be taken only when the soul is ready, you can help your loved ones raise their vibration some too.

If you have teenagers like I do, you might be getting rolled eyes or evasion when you try to discuss esoteric principles with them.  Here is an activity that can help open dialog among the family and can be done by everyone regardless of age.

Pick a time to conduct this activity, anytime when you are all together (or as many as you can get at one time), it can be in the car on the way to school or at the table during dinner. Don’t get hung up on ceremony or the message will get lost. 

Have each member of the family tell the following:

·         One thing they are grateful for.

 It can be anything “I’m grateful I found a matching pair of socks fast today” BUT they cannot say the same thing twice in a row.

·         One thing they did to be nice to another person or the earth.
It can be anything “I gave someone a piece of gum” to “I recycled today”. If a family member is having a hard time thinking of something, ask the others if that person had done something nice that they just can’t remember.

The family may grump and groan, but reminding them to hold a place in their heart to be grateful will help them to raise their vibration. Having them focus on the importance of doing good things for other people and the earth will help them develop a lifelong love of helping others, especially when they realize how good it feels.
