Many of us
are working on upgrading our vibrations. The higher we vibrate, the better we
feel, the more love and joy we experience, and our world view changes. You may
be changing your thought patterns, meditating, and connecting to source, but
what about your family members? While ascension is a personal journey that has
to be taken only when the soul is ready, you can help your loved ones raise their
vibration some too.
If you have
teenagers like I do, you might be getting rolled eyes or evasion when you try
to discuss esoteric principles with them. Here is an activity that can help open dialog among
the family and can be done by everyone regardless of age.
Pick a time
to conduct this activity, anytime when you are all together (or as many as you
can get at one time), it can be in the car on the way to school or at the table
during dinner. Don’t get hung up on ceremony or the message will get lost.
Have each member
of the family tell the following:
One thing they are grateful for.
It can be anything “I’m grateful I
found a matching pair of socks fast today” BUT they cannot say the same thing
twice in a row.
One thing they did to be nice to
another person or the earth.
It can be anything “I gave someone a piece of gum” to “I
recycled today”. If a family member is having a hard time thinking of
something, ask the others if that person had done something nice that they just
can’t remember.
The family
may grump and groan, but reminding them to hold a place in their heart to be
grateful will help them to raise their vibration. Having them focus on the
importance of doing good things for other people and the earth will help them develop
a lifelong love of helping others, especially when they realize how good it